

Woden Valley Sub-Branch

Our services

The Woden Valley Sub-branch was first formed 63 years ago in 1954 as the Yarralumla Sub-Branch. We have a proud history of continuous service through welfare and hospital visits, fundraising and commemoration activities. We meet or have dinner regularly with members on the last Tuesday of the month, except April and December. From 1969-2017, the Sub-Branch was located in Woden Valley on the old Yamba property, previously leased to the soldier settler farming family, the Eddisons, with whom we maintain a close association. We are now located with the Veterans Support Centre at the Grant Cameron Centre in Holder. Apply for membership here. Our publications are The Serviceman and E-News. Click here for events and here for our annual calendar events.We are currently updating  our history and members and readers are invited to submit comments, edits or additional information or photographs to the Sub-branch Office admin@rslwoden.org.au or phone 6285 1931.

We organise the very popular annual ANZAC and Peace Ceremony at Eddison Park each year with its associated ANZAC Essay Competition for primary schools in the greater Woden area. 
Our Entitlement and Advocacy (E&A) services are available through the ACT Veterans Support Centre (VSC). Our Sub-Branch is co-located with the VSC team of more than 20 highly trained advocates and entitlements/pension officers.
Community Support services are also now provided through the VSC and we can liaise with Federal and ACT agencies, organisations and other ex-service organisations to help provide welfare services.
Hospital Visiting: Every Thursday one or two volunteers visit each of the three southern hospitals, Canberra, John James Memorial and Canberra Capital Private. They aim to visit every veteran, RSL member and Legacy widow and widowers. Please contact the Veterans Liaison Officer if you are hospitalised at any of these hospitals.
Hospice Visiting: Visits can be arranged for Sub-Branch members in Clare Holland House.
Christmas Visits: In December each year, all Sub-Branch members 80 years of age and over, and all Sub-Branch widows and widowers receive a home visit and a gift.
Health and Fitness Programs. Gym attendance by arrangement with the Southern Cross Health Club gym.   
Eddison Day Club. Sponsored by the Sub-Branch, the Day Club caters for retired members, their spouses, widows, widowers and the general community. It meets every Friday from 10:00am to 2:00pm (except Good Friday) from mid-January to mid-December at the Irish Club, Parkinson Street, Weston.

What's on in the Woden Valley Sub-Branch

Our next OGM dinner meeting is 26 June 6.30 for 7pm Southern Cross Club Woden  Bookings essential to 62851931 

Annual calendar

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WV RSL news and media - See the most recent news articles and activities
WV RSL Governance: Constitution and By-Laws





Grant Cameron Community Centre, 27 Mulley Street HOLDER ACT 2611

✉ mailing address

Grant Cameron Community Centre
14/27 Mulley Street Holder ACT 2611

🕓 Office Hours

Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 3.00pm


(02) 6285 1931