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Veterans Employment


8 Reasons to Hire a Veteran


Diverse skill sets, strong work ethic and commitment to teamwork. These are just a few reasons to hire a veteran.

In an increasingly competitive job market, Australian employers are constantly seeking ways to gain a competitive edge. One often overlooked source of outstanding talent is the pool of military veterans.

Hiring veterans can bring many benefits to businesses, ranging from diverse skill sets and strong work ethics to a commitment to teamwork and leadership. If you’d like to tap into this exceptional talent pool, reach out to the RSL Veterans’ Employment Program. We link employers to highly skilled, job-ready veterans, free of charge.

In this article, we’ll delve into why Australian employers should consider hiring veterans, exploring the unique qualities they bring to the table and the various ways businesses can support and benefit from their service.


Hiring Veterans: A Win-Win for Australian Employers


1.     Exceptional Skill Sets

One of the most compelling reasons to hire veterans is their extensive skill sets. During their military service, veterans acquire a wide range of skills that are directly transferable to the civilian workforce. Whether it's technical expertise, problem-solving abilities, or proficiency in logistics and project management, veterans bring a wealth of experience that can be invaluable to Australian businesses.

For instance, veterans often excel in fields such as cybersecurity, engineering, and IT due to the rigorous training they receive in these areas. Their ability to handle high-pressure situations and think on their feet can make a significant difference in industries where quick decision-making and adaptability are essential.


2.     Strong Work Ethic and Discipline

Military service instils a strong work ethic and discipline in veterans. These qualities are highly sought after by employers, as they contribute to a productive and efficient workforce. Veterans are accustomed to adhering to strict schedules, showing up on time, and completing tasks with precision and attention to detail.

In the business landscape, where reliability and consistency are valued, veterans can make a notable difference. Their ability to work well under pressure, meet deadlines, and adhere to company protocols can enhance overall team performance.


3.     Teamwork and Leadership Skills

The military places a strong emphasis on teamwork and leadership, and veterans often possess exceptional skills in these areas. They have experience working in diverse teams, where cooperation and effective communication are vital for mission success. This teamwork mindset can seamlessly transfer to the civilian workplace, fostering a collaborative and inclusive work environment.

Furthermore, veterans often emerge as natural leaders. They are trained to take charge of situations, make critical decisions, and motivate their teams. These leadership qualities can be invaluable in supervisory roles within companies, where the ability to inspire and guide a team is essential for achieving organisational goals.


4.     Adaptable and Quick Learners

The military environment is dynamic and ever-changing, requiring veterans to be adaptable and quick learners. They are accustomed to facing new challenges, acquiring new skills, and finding solutions on the fly. In a rapidly evolving business world, these qualities can be a tremendous asset.

Employers often need team members who can embrace change and stay ahead of industry trends. Veterans' ability to adapt and learn new technologies, procedures, and strategies can help businesses remain competitive in their respective markets.


5.     Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity

Veterans come from diverse backgrounds and often have the opportunity to work with people from various cultures and demographics during their service. This experience fosters a deep understanding of diversity and inclusivity, making veterans more attuned to the importance of these principles in the workplace.

By hiring veterans, employers can enhance the cultural diversity of their organisations and promote inclusivity. This, in turn, can lead to a more innovative and dynamic work environment, as diverse teams tend to generate a wider range of ideas and perspectives.


6.     Commitment to Mission Success

In the military, mission success is the ultimate goal, and veterans bring this commitment to excellence with them to the civilian workforce. They understand the significance of their roles in achieving organisational objectives and are willing to go the extra mile to ensure success.

This dedication can have a positive impact on a company's bottom line. Employees who are deeply committed to their work are more likely to deliver high-quality results, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction, improved reputation, and long-term business growth.


7.     Resilience and Problem-Solving

Veterans often face adversity and challenging situations during their military careers. They develop a unique resilience that enables them to bounce back from setbacks and stay focused on their goals. This resilience can be particularly valuable in industries where unforeseen challenges are common.

Veterans are also adept problem solvers. They are trained to assess complex situations, make decisions under pressure, and find effective solutions. Employers can benefit from their ability to analyse issues, identify opportunities for improvement, and implement strategic changes.


8.     Security Clearance and Trustworthiness

Many veterans hold security clearances, which can be advantageous for businesses that deal with sensitive information or government contracts. Hiring individuals with existing security clearances can save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on clearance procedures.

Additionally, veterans are known for their trustworthiness and integrity. Employers can have confidence in their employees' commitment to ethical conduct, which is crucial in maintaining a positive corporate culture and reputation.


Supporting and Attracting Veteran Talent

While there are clear benefits to hiring veterans, it's essential for employers to create a welcoming and supportive environment to attract and retain veteran talent. Here are some strategies for businesses looking to embrace veterans in their workforce:


Offer Training and Transition Programs: Recognise that transitioning from military service to the civilian workforce can be challenging. Provide training and transition programs that help veterans bridge the gap between their military experience and civilian job requirements.


Build Veteran-Friendly Recruitment Strategies: Develop recruitment strategies that specifically target veterans. Consider attending veteran job fairs, partnering with veteran-focused organisations like the RSL Veterans’ Employment Program, and highlighting your company's commitment to hiring veterans in your job postings.


Mentorship and Onboarding: Implement mentorship programs that pair veteran employees with experienced mentors who can help them adapt to the civilian workplace culture. Ensure a thorough onboarding process that familiarises veterans with company policies and expectations.


Recognise Military Service: Show appreciation for veterans' service by recognising military events and memorials, offering flexible leave policies for reservists, and creating a workplace culture that respects and values their contributions.


Support Employee Resource Groups: Establish employee resource groups for veterans within your organisation. These groups can provide a sense of community, support, and a platform for veterans to share their experiences and ideas.


Evaluate Transferable Skills: When reviewing resumes and interviewing veterans, focus on identifying their transferable skills and how they align with your company's needs. Highlight the value of their military experience during the hiring process, and ensuring hiring managers are trained to identify these transferable skills.


Hire a Veteran Today

Hiring veterans is not just a socially responsible choice but also a smart business move for Australian employers. Veterans bring a wealth of skills, discipline, leadership, and adaptability to the workplace. Their commitment to mission success, resilience, and trustworthiness makes them valuable assets to any organisation.

Over 5,000 highly trained people leave the Australian Defence Force each year, looking for a fulfilling career in the civilian job market. Reach out to the RSL Veterans’ Employment Program to tap into this exceptional talent pool today.

We’ll promote your job opportunities to our network free of charge.

Emma Ryan